One of the biggest problems with the third season is that the show expanded its roster to be so big that there ended up being characters who went majorly underdeveloped for an entire season. The first thing that must be said is that as long as the season does not completely dive off of a cliff, this is the best season of Titans thus far. The story will remain the same, but the special effects on these two episodes were not completed when sent out to the press.

Also, episodes four and five were works in progress when they were sent out, meaning that the episodes were not the complete episodes that will be able to be streamed. Now, before getting any further into the review, it’s important to note that as of right now, HBO Max has only sent out to the press the first five episodes of the six-episode first part. However, the group decides to make a pitstop in Metropolis in an effort to help Conner meet his father, a decision which ends up getting the Titans wrapped up in the bloodiest and most disturbing case of their career. Season Four follows the titular Titans on their road trip back to San Francisco after their season-long stay in Gotham. Unlike the past few installments of the HBO Max series, Titans Season Four is all about the individual members of the group, focusing on not only how they interact with each other as a group but also their individual journeys.
Titans is back with the first part of its fourth season, and it is by far its bloodiest yet, full of horror, intrigue, and of course plenty of blood.