The most common example is adding -Werror unconditionally. Such projects might needlessly fail on a different compiler or even a different version of the same compiler used by the author. Often, they provide no way to disable them. Unfortunately, many CMake builds assume too much about the environment or toolchain and inject optional, compiler-specific flags into their builds. Obviously, if you're building a Linux-only tool that depends on GNU extensions, then you will need GCC or Clang. $ cmake -install build -config Release -prefix /path/to/whereverįurthermore, if the code is standards-compliant and platform-independent, this sequence should work with any compiler on any operating system. $ cmake -install build -prefix /path/to/wherever
I'm going to make a bold claim, here: it should be possible to build any CMake project using any generator with the following sequence of commands, assuming all its dependencies are installed to system locations:

I would encourage you to begin a friendly dialogue with the maintainers of non-conforming projects to see if they can be fixed (and, in the spirit of open source, try opening a PR!). Not every CMake project you encounter will meet these criteria. Today, I'd like to talk about what you should expect from a CMake build, and some common pitfalls that violate these expectations. I have added a list of these resources to the end of Part 1. Second, while I complained about the ocean of bad CMake resources, I forgot to recognize the handful of good resources that have taught me well. but all with an eye towards understanding why. Still, there will be some space dedicated to exploring specific effective practices, and pointing out common mistakes, superseded features, etc. I want readers to see the big picture and to develop a taste for quality build code.
My hope with this project is to show you how to reason about CMake so that it feels intuitive.

Before we get started, I thought I would take this opportunity to clarify a couple of points about this series.įirst, this series is not a tutorial, at least not in the traditional sense. Welcome back to Part 2 of this series! I was very happy to see the warm reception Part 1 got over on /r/cpp. How to Use CMake Without the Agonizing Pain - Part 2 Mon